About the society

The Finnish Tolkien Society Kontu

Are you familiar with the works of J. R. R. Tolkien? Has The Lord of the Rings got you under its spell? Would you like to share your thoughts with likeminded people? The Finnish Tolkien Society Kontu is an organisation for the friends of Tolkien’s works, and other fantasy literature as well, all over Finland. Our members include all kinds of fans. Some know the entire work of Tolkien almost by heart, while others are just generally interested in fantasy. Our meetings gather all these people under the same roof to discuss and to have fun. Our newsletter Hobittilan Sanomat brings our members news about the society and its events, as well as information on other interesting events organized by other groups. We also arrange over-the-weekend meetings called ’moots’ to which we also welcome our foreign friends!

The Finnish Tolkien Society Kontu is run by a committee which is elected on a yearly basis. We organize official meetings at least four or five times a year. In addition to this, monthly meetings are held in larger cities. These meetings involve refreshments, discussions, games and of course Tolkien. Local divisions, called smials, can be found from Helsinki and Tampere.

Interested in joining?

Joining (in Finland) is easy. Just pay 22 euros, which covers one year’s membership and the newsletter (membership period is from September 1 to August 31), to our bank account in Nordea, FI95 2001 1800 0427 42, and send the receipt, with your name, address and e-mail address, to our PO box (Suomen Tolkien-seura Kontu ry, Nuottaniementie 4 I 41, 80140 Joensuu, Finland), or by email to jasensihteeri@suomentolkienseura.fi. Please use 3104 as reference number. Family membership for another member in the same address costs 15 euros, which covers the membership but not the newsletter.

Any questions?

If you have questions about the Finnish Tolkien Society Kontu, please contact our chairperson at puheenjohtaja@suomentolkienseura.fi or our secretary at sihteeri@suomentolkienseura.fi.